Sunday, July 5, 2015

Careers who required to report the Credit Board of Higher Education (HESLB)

GOVERNMENT has asked all of the credit beneficiaries of higher education who have not yet found jobs to report to the Board of Higher Education Loans (HESLB).
The statement was made in Parliament yesterday by the Minister of Labour and Employment, Gaudentia Kabaka, when responding to a supplementary question of Kasulu Urban MP, Moses backwards (NCCR-Mageuzi).
In his question, on the back wanted to know how the government helps Tanzanians allegedly by the Board of Credit loan but do not have jobs so far.
Kabaka said student finished high school are given one year to organize and find work before starting to pay off his debt.
"After that, if he had not found employment will be required to provide information to the Credit Board that unless he did so he began to pay will be paid with interest of 10 percent," he said.
Earlier, answer the fundamental question of Special Seats MP, Christowaja necklace (Chadema), Deputy Minister of Labour, Dr. Makongoro Mahanga, said a total of loans issued beginning in 1994/95 to 2013/14 is Sh 1.8 trillion for 291,582 beneficiaries.
Until April 30, 2015 loans Sh 70.83 billion was reverted to 136,803 beneficiaries among the 177,017 beneficiaries who have their loans pan when cooked.
"Total beneficiaries 40,214 who allegedly billion shillings 94.12 they start to repay the loans, the total beneficiaries 114,565 were loaned billion shillings 973.7 credits have not grown up so he started restored because the beneficiaries either still undergoing studies scholars and others are in a period of expectation," he said.
In his question, necklace wanted to know so far Loans Board imeshakusanya how much and how much still claims

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