Sunday, July 5, 2015

The judgment of the trial Mramba and colleagues Release Monday.

JUDGMENT government proceedings, causing a loss of Sh 11.7 billion inayomkabili former Minister of Finance, Basil Mramba and colleagues has been postponed for a second time because the judge is sick.

The trial was mentioned yesterday in Kisutu Resident Magistrate Court for the reading of the sentence, after being postponed for the first time on May 30 this year.

However, the magistrate, Saul Kinemela said he can not read the judgment because the chairman, who comprise a panel of three judges who hear the case, John TAMWA, he came up with was sick and had been given two days of rest.

Kinemela judge adjourned sentencing until Monday July 6, this year. Another judge on the panel is Sam Rumanyika.

In addition to Mramba other defendants in the case are former Minister of Energy and Minerals, Daniel Yona and former Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance, Gray Mgonja.

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