Sunday, July 5, 2015

Presidency 2015: Promising stirred Grace For Miners

GOVERNMENT which constitute
Union Constitution of Men (Kawa) has pledged to give priority artisans including capacity building in mining operations while ensuring that large investment company zikilipa eligible for a government tax.

That was made yesterday by the chairman of the Civic United Front (CUF) Professor Ibrahim Lipumba, while addressing residents of Kahama in the rally held in stadiums CDT in here.
Lipumba said that the present government has not iwajali small scale miners of minerals especially gold which have been discovered areas of mining and later taken away by the Government for an alleged do not have licenses to possess these areas.
He said that these miners have been victims whenever they poibua mine sites as provided instead of the government building extraction capacity with state capital increase which would help reduce the unemployment problem which is great for the young country.
Moreover Lipumba asked the government kutokuwakumbatia big investors especially minerals and forgetting those who are the source of scale obtained by extraction sites and be a source of growth for small towns in the mining areas.
Among other things Lipumba insisted the government seeks out their tobacco growers and cotton productivity will produce reliable markets for farmers and eliminate existing complaint farmers now produce it for the Lake Zone.
Lipumba also said they became itakapoingia office will not provide space for large corporate tax forgiveness because it hinder national development and the absence of output that could help young entrepreneurs who have no income at present.

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