Sunday, July 5, 2015

Men do not squash from hunger-Manyon

Manyoni East MP, Captain John Chiligati, said some of his constituency countries have started eating squash has faced the problem of hunger.
In his question in Parliament yesterday, the MP wanted to know when the government would send food aid quickly to protect those citizens.
"When the government begins to distribute food aid to be my constituency there is a shortage of food, especially in the areas of Kintiku where some of them have begun to eat baobabs?" Said Capt Chiligati.
Responding to this question, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Food and Cooperatives, Godfrey Sin, said procedures should apply for food aid from the district to make the assessment.
"The district is required to take ikishafanya review session of the Regional Advisory (RCC), RCC shall forward the Office of the Prime Minister who will bring us the ministry for sending food aid. Enough food exists, the regions concerned will be required to make an assessment to ituletee lest people die of hunger, "he said.
Original sin in response to the fundamental question of Capt Chiligati, lililohoji if the government is willing to cooperate with the citizens of Manyoni through the District Council that ensures the construction of the dam BWASA ends, said construction will take place along with scheme irrigation Mwiboo.
"Scheme of Mwiboo does not exist in 78 schemes implemented through Major Programme Results Now (BRN). The Ministry in collaboration with district councils have organized text for requesting funds for development partners whose applications are presented Sh 400 million, "said Sin.

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