Sunday, July 5, 2015

Students Explore Condoms In the US recognizes Sexually Transmitted Infection

Students at the school of Isaac Newton Academy ambient Ilford, Essex in the UK have created a condom that transforms color when it encounters a person suffering fluids transmitted diseases.
Condom titled STEYE can identify Chlamydia infection Syphilis and Gonorrhea with only the ability to change different colors depending on the bacteria present.
Among the solutions that have done this invention is Daanyaal Ali (14), UAZ Nawaz (13) and Chirag Shah (14), where the following solution has already been awarded, the prize of creativity of "the TeenTech" compatible with the certifications pounds thousand and an opportunity to visit Palace of the Queen of England Buckingham Palace.
Elaborating on these discoveries, one of the students Daanyaal Ali has said that "We were determined to give the user a warning this balls-boyfriend is safe or are sick without hospital tested concern for the next generation".
He added that "The question of security is a matter of private partner is therefore a priority issue arises particularly ikifahamika that we are responsible for stimulating safe sex without our beloved compel themselves to a hospital without intentional"
For his part the founder of the company technological innovations, TeenTech, Maggie Philbin said that it is our duty as a society to stimulate creativity in classrooms acquired aggravated by being polished to improve human

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