Sunday, July 5, 2015

Pinda: As President will strengthen the Union

Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda said if members adopt her and given consent to the citizens to become president, he will make sure he strengthens the foundations of Zanzibar and the Union.
She made the remarks yesterday while there Dimani restrict sponsors, Mwera, Urban and Northern District B in Zanzibar. He said Revolution and the Union are issues requiring admiration and asked the members of the CCM and citizens from returning back into kuyaenzi.
"Union has laid a good foundation to build fraternity as there are holes we continue kuyafukia to permanently endow the objectives of the Union to be more stable," he said.
He said at this time of national elections, is properly the issue of peace and solidarity was given a great opportunity to citizens to protect home-grown success seen Zanzibar in the fields of economy and social welfare.
He said after around Unguja and Pemba has witnessed good political dimension of CCM and promised that if members adopt her and later given consent by the people as president, he spent much of his time to accelerate the development of the islands of Zanzibar.
"Pemba was difficult to wear the uniform of the CCM I go there I have witnessed myself now uniformed members of the party such action is a great success for this year's elections," he said.

He said the issue of peace should be consideration and provide an example of how the nation of Burundi suffered its citizens and others forced to flee due to instability.
"Peace is not a matter of being tampered with, seen in Burundi when its president announced the increase over the past three, Tanzania we received more than one hundred thousand refugees in Kigoma for a little while," he said.
Initially, the Prime Minister visited the tomb of the First President of Zanzibar, Amani Abeid Karume and the President of the Fourth Phase of Zanzibar, the late Idriss Abdul Wakil, who was buried in the small town of Makunduchi Southern Province

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