Sunday, July 5, 2015

Speech Zitto Kabwe - July 4, 2015 and who have placed money List Switzerland

Dear people of dar  es salaam

Let me start by giving shukran to respond to our call to appear in abundance come to listen to us today in these plots Mwembeyanga, We thank you.

To us you guys have exceptional importance, because you appear in the City that on the building of this nation began, starting with establishment of the Association of Tanganyika African Association until the movement that the Socialist Party inherited by TANU Party Politics.

History always shows them people of Dar es salaam to be the founders of this movement politics in patriotic. From that time detailed Mwalimu Nyerere, Bibi Titi Mohammed, deep Sykes, Dossa Aziz Ally, John Rupia and Zuberi Mtemvu until today still dar es salaam you have a unique importance in the politics of this country. In recognition of the importance of your time, we've seen today we make this Special Meeting to pitch here again this party who introduced you, and also kukikabidhi your hand to repel these movements on the National Patriotism this keep you guys own the founders of the movement is concerned.

And this we are doing today is not new to you, maybe me remind you only, is the importance you our president first, and the father of the Nation, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere built culture of talking and national above all things heavy this country through our ancestors of the City , a tradition that has continued to be inherited, and we feel it is a good tradition to maintain. While we go further, that we have come to you Youth, Women and Older our Dar es salaam speak on this matter seriously, you kukikabidhi our members ACT Patriots.

Dear Wanadar es salaam

Tumewaiteni today with a few key things for our party and the nation as a whole that we would like to explain to you and to the public of fellow Tanzanians in general.

If you remember March 29 this year we launched our party here in Dar es salaam and after the event we did a tour in 22 regions and some states in the country, it also happens when the operation of various members have been taking place all the time the same, including the launch Declaration of Tabora - Declaration of Kimuongozo, ideologically, Policy and Kimaadli of our Party which limehuisha Arusha Declaration. Very Tunawashuku citizens of different regions for their great reception they gave them to receive it with both hands Declaration of Tabora.

Dear sons-Dar es salaam

We have an economy that creates harmony. Right now our economy is gripped by a few people, especially businessmen who also hold their politics or to participate in politics directly or to fund politicians to defend their interests.

We have cancer of corruption where people use their positions of power accumulation. Corruption is a problem most of the leaders who hold public office. Tunahuisha Declaration aimed install taboos Public Administration which will be fundamental to the fight against corruption.

Declaration of Tabora largely comes bringing Neem moral on the matter, since linahuisha Arusha to restore spoons Leadership and Public Service, and also build on the economies of socialist modernization will kaojikita in increasing production and distribution alike National cake thus reducing layers in our country.

Dear people of dar es salaam

You will recall that in November 2012 the Parliament adopted a resolution that nine of the Year 2012, which prescribes and make observations about the Tanzanian government and Tanzanian companies who escapement mechanism to hide the money in banks abroad. Case was also relevant to existing Tanzanian Property abroad in an effort to ensure that money laundering and its ufichwaji vinakomeshwa. Parliament gave six months for the government to make the inquiry. The government passed a whole year did not provide any details after tension within Parliament urged the government six more months. However, until now the government has not given any statement regarding the report of the investigation.

Data concerning money Tanzanians abroad still not very reliable. For example, the Government reports to the island of Jersey is under the auspices of the United Kingdom shows that the Finance and Properties of Tanzanians in the island's banks are 440 million British pounds, which at current prices is equivalent to 1.4 trillion Tanzanian shillings. As well as official statements of the Bank of Switzerland shows that Tanzanians who have accounts in banks of those countries has reached US $ 304 million from $ 213 million in 2012. We do not have figures for other countries around the world.

These funds can be legal or illegal. There are people either are Tanzanians living abroad and working in it must have a bank account. There are also Tanzanians who are businessmen and conditions of their business must have accounts in foreign banks. However, the entire system of opening and closing of accounts in foreign banks have set up legal provisions to permit the Central Bank is required. There are Tanzanians who hide money that has been made available for corruption and illegal trade such as drugs and foreign trade that does not come in the records of the Central Bank. If the government would make an investigation and complete it we can know for sure in the list of account holders are EPI have money out their legitimate and illegitimate diapers have money. Government affairs has denied us this right for more than two and a half years now. Ten linavunjwa Parliament on 9 July this year and there is no any indication of government disclosure of inquiry into the parliament as directed by Parliament.

Dear Wanadar es salaam

Once released Parliament Resolution of 2012 I received invitations from different parts of the world to cooperate with them in this matter. This thing is not the challenge of Tanzania alone. Various world countries like the US, India, Nigeria, Germany etc. zinahangaika this matter. Each country took steps it thinks itself suited to deal with this issue. Step Tanzania conducting an investigation following the mandate of Parliament was unique and many international observers were convinced that Tanzania will be a model country in the fight against the financial crisis utoroshwaji and tax evasion.

These trips range in the world I do I find the information that I submit the Government for supporting our investigation. One judge of the Court of France, who is doing an investigation against HSBC Bank gave me enough support and useful information that I submit the government so that they can take action. The government has done nothing. Among these reports is a list of 99 Tanzanians with 288 accounts in one branch of the HSBC bank in Switzerland. The list was submitted to the Governor of the Central Bank, the Attorney General and the Commissioner General of the Tanzania Revenue Authority for investigation. The government until now I speak to you not yet given a statement despite all kinds of cooperation.

I have decided today to keep this list open as pressure on the government to disclose the investigation before the dissolution of Parliament next week. Each journalist was present at this meeting have given an envelope with 99 names of Tanzanians or people who have relations with Tanzania HSBC's Swiss account. Total savings in this bank account alone is US $ 114 million.

I turn to say that we have no sure if these funds are legitimate or illegitimate. There are two partners related to radar scandal who is accused Sailesh Vithlani kumhonga Andrew Chenge, Bariadi MP and owner of the company Shivacom. These can be attributed to corruption radar. Yet another is very difficult to say what such instruments attached to our increasingly independent investigation to sit quietly informed of the investigation. My appeal is for the Government to submit information to the National Assembly with legitimate money watofautishwe and with money laundering and illegal those who are taken strict legal action including those funds restored in the country.

Dear Wanadar es salaam

This issue is the tone just how ethical problem does great country, and also how does an effect politically and economically, it is something that as a nation we should be up with medicine, the Association of ACT Patriots have brought medicine to the problem - Taboos of Leadership as outlined in the Declaration, of Tabora.

Thank you very much.

Names with people have money swizerland.

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