Sunday, July 5, 2015

Four sentenced to death to death after being found Guilty of killing Albino

Residents of Kiwira, district Rungwe, Judge Mwakalinga who was once sentenced to hanging until death for being found guilty of killing Chairman of the District Council Rungwe, John Mwakenja, has condemned the sentence once after being found guilty of killing albinism ( albino).
Mwakalinga along with three other defendants were sentenced to the same penalty in Mbeya Regional Court after being found guilty of murdering Henry Mwakajila (17) who is albinism (albino).
The verdict was issued yesterday by a judge of the court, Dr. Mary Levira after the court satisfied by the evidence of the prosecution that the accused had committed the offense.
Asangalwisye Kanyuni other defendants are popular as tiny or Mwakatoga who is a traditional healer, Gerad Kalonge and Leornda Mwakisole who are residents of the district Kiwira Rungwe.
However, the fourth accused, Ideas Figomole was acquitted by the court after the prosecution evidence failed to prove that he was involved with the murder.
The trial of the murder with reference number KIW / IR / 49/2008 and PI 5/2013 is the seventh case of the murder of albino given judgment where until now a total of 15 defendants have been sentenced to hanging until death.
Initially there was alleged in court that on February 5, 2008 between the hours of 12:00 and at 1:00 pm in the village of Ilolo, cut the Kiwira, Rungwe district, the accused had abducted the boy who was a student of Form II at school Ukukwe secondary and killed.
During the proceedings, was said by witnesses for the prosecution that the accused first Kayuni who is a traditional healer, was found and intestine is supposed to be human and was taken to the Government Chemist proved to be a late gut Mwakajila.
In addition, the second accused Kalonge, he found four fingers and all 10 bones accursed human being and after investigation were noted that are members of Mwakajila.
It was alleged that the defendants Mwakisole, Figomole and Mwakalinga ones were abducted child and kill him, then send links to a traditional healer.
Mwakalinga was sentenced in November, year on Thursday after he was found guilty of killing Mwakenja who was also the Chairman of the Chama Cha Mapinduzi district to shoot him.
It was alleged that Mwakalinga and three colleagues were doing the killing from Mwakenja aware that they are killed Mwakajila, so they killed him to lose evidence.

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