Sunday, July 5, 2015

Child of US President Kikwete wins medals

President Jakaya Kikwete child reads Feza international school, Khalfan Jakaya Kikwete (17) has represented the Tanzania well in competition with the search for intelligent students 'Genius Olympiad' held in Oswego, USA this year.

This competition is organized by the Department of Science and Education of the University of New York and authored international schools around the work covering issues of science, art, business and the environment.

According to the network, this year 69 countries participated by sending 1,171 works. Work 401 which met the criteria and received. Feza international schools submitted four works to win one gold medal and three bronze.

Labour won a gold medal called 'Vcardin' organized and presented by Yahya Saif Khalfan and even all of whom are students Feza schools.

Speaking to journalists in Dar es Salaam last weekend, Khalfan said their work aimed at simplifying global communications to be a sure way to communicate.
"This project entails the exchange cards communication through the Internet. It is very important for communication especially the merchants, but it needs to have a number of modernization with the Internet or another device on the Internet," said Khalfan had been accompanied by even.
Another work from Feza winning a bronze medal is "The Fault of Humanity 'organized by Prince Mwemezi who filmed the fire if you burn wood area of ​​Tanganyika Packers, Kawe in Dar es Salaam and show environmental impacts posed by the burning forest.
Another bronze medal brought in Feza schools and two students Goodluck Komba and Sajjad El-Amin who began work showing how charcoal can be found through the paper and trash instead of cutting trees.

Veronica Ndomba, Form Six graduate this year in the school of Feza Girls, organized a function to prevent pollution of the marine environment by educating people about the never to forsake waste, illegal fishing oil and sea to win three bronze medals

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