"If this is not possible then in the next budget should put more charges 100 per cent alcohol so that money earned goes zikasaidie victims of AIDS or projects REA (Rural Electrification Project)," said Sanya.
Responding to this question, the Deputy Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Dr. Stephen Kebwe, said the government has banned alcohol illegal.
"Similarly, we banned the consumption of alcohol, consumption of alcohol is not acceptable, not to drink excessive amounts of beer crates whole.
"As human beings we are made we are able to drink one beer per hour, but physical with a woman is allowed to drink at least one to three beers at 24 and men should drink three to four beers for 24 hours," he said.
Earlier, answer the fundamental question of Sanya, Dr. Kebwe said Government in collaboration with various stakeholders has developed specific guidelines to help health workers to advise on nutrition for victims of HIV using antiretroviral medications for HIV.
"The advice that includes a variety of foods vinavyomfaa user of drugs which are available in her community.
"Also victims of HIV who are taking antiviral are surveyed regularly to determine their state of nutrition and given advice or treatment are eligible including supplements such as vitamins, minerals and food and medicine," said Dr. Kebwe.
In his question Dr. Kebwe wanted to know the Government inawasaidiaje victims of HIV who are taking antiretroviral nutrition

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