Sunday, July 5, 2015

Oh my Housegirl This he need me wrong! ......

Oh I ask advice about this.I am the husband of one wife and four children. Recently we have found a new housegirl from Singida, he finished form four did not qualify to continue studies because of the lack of features of public schools.
It is a common good, ie does the appearance of tired appearance mahousegirl-naamaanisha bad really should not even be married to a man.

In my history I've never even one day walking and housegirl and until now nishaajiri the h / girl not less than 6, is very serious and I'm not familiar with them at all.He has come to see wants kuniangusha in my position this. The first day of its introduction appeared watched though and I was accepted into a good one.
Life went on and the day was opened. Now from that day has been very lacking in confidence (Confidence) when I am home, immediately he stumbles, he was afraid to come before me, etc.
Worse when I am on my own any other model apart is very nichangamkia and smiling all the time all I kalooongea she smile even if not pleasant.
Nikimtuma nothing would bring me when I receive a lift head and then he looked at kiuchokozi smile, then and I had natabasamu.
Happens maybe I returned home and I need to eat early will nipikia very well sometimes anongeza something that kikupangwa Act on schedule that day, he can kunkaangia and boil eggs or milk tea and put a decade quick and gave me food.The problem is, my wife keshashitukia the movement thereof, has been always asks me about this man says why certain if there is to be no confidence I told mi do not know embu ask asked answered wife that supposedly he fear me because he was told by a defender mi is very bright You are young per nikorofishe.
But if you look at his Mapozi me not the man who scared. These vinegar added more, up to greet me / her to greet me has been a very difficult one is immediately much.
Mi general is a man I did not care about little things and I'm trying to do is become of him, I added that serious, and sometimes I find I am sharp when I speak to him to be away from me or that he thinks afute or look for it, but I feel he sought me wrong.Nimfanyeje? or shall I do, but I feel kujidhalilisha for mah / girl!

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