Sunday, July 5, 2015

Let the players Taifa Stars Were They did not understand English ?, Cannavaro say a secret

There have been different headlines in networks zikiwahukumu team players 'Taifa Stars' ignorance of the English language are not doing well field source led to misunderstandings and former head coach of the Tanzania national team 'Taifa Stars' Mooi Mart.

Now today July 2, 2015 Nadir Haroub aka Cannavaro has opened and explain the sabotage them ... 'We have players we suffer more than the fans because our lives we depend ball we get negative consequences for our families localized starvation, first we lack the money we promised, we lack well appreciated by people outside you know you do the wrong people do not kukusapoti we suffer more.
In terms of teacher say that people do not know English is not true, as a matter of rubber is practical teacher tells you done superficially and player you understand what to do, the results are occurring on the ball can be failed or was shut, we suffered a lot and we want results favorable to obtain respectable on our clubs. Tutajitaidi and I will tell my colleagues to force every game that will be before us, we can get good results, we first we expect from the match with Uganda one we won we won two turudishe provided for Tanzanians faith ... "he said.

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