Sunday, July 5, 2015

EPA suspects acquitted.

kisutu Resident Magistrate's Court, acquitted the CCM Kada Rajab Maranda and colleagues who were charged with theft of Sh 207 million in Foreign Debt Account (EPA) from the Bank of Tanzania (BoT).
A panel of three judges led by Judge John TAMWA, Ignas Tutsi and Eva Nkya liliwaachia accused the side of the Republic after failing to prove charges against the accused.
Apart from Maranda other defendants were acquitted is Farijala Hussein and who were employees of the BoT, Ester Komu, Bosco Kimera and Faith Mwakosya.
Reading TAMWA sentencing judge said the defendants who were charged with four conspiracy, forgery, submitting false documents and wiziwa BoT your free Sh 207.2 million from the side of the Republic failed to prove the charges without leaving doubt as required by law.
He said part of the Republic has failed to demonstrate how Maranda and Farijala court had forged an agreement to collect debts between General Marketing Company of India to Company Rashas (T) of Tanzania.
In the judgment read without Mwakosya presence in court, Judge TAMWA said part of the Republic failed to bring investigator of the trial so that he could demonstrate Court signatures that allegedly existed in this agreement so that weaknesses can not be shut defendants convicted.
He added that, on the side of the Republic failed to prove the charge of forgery, so the charge of submitting false documents will be dead, because it failed to show real documents are forged.
In addition he nominally failed to show how those funds were transmitted as they claimed that the process was successful because Maranda and Farijala used forged documents.
"No witness was able to give evidence and go straight to the documents filed in court when charges against the defendants," said Judge TAMWA.
The documents are forgeries purported agreement documents transferred debt from General Marketing Company of India to Company Rashas (T) of Tanzania, which were zutumia and steal money.
After the trial, he returned custody Farijala because sentenced to two years in prison he chohukumiwa in other cases and Maranda was released but will still continue to go to court to be faced with another case.
Relatives and friends were present in the area of ​​the court were grateful the court decision really fair to say God has done miracles.

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