Sunday, July 5, 2015

Jack Patrick returns, Vanessa She will be an opportunity for Jux?

Super model who is currently in prison because of the arrest ishu kulevyia drugs in China Jack Patric.
Initially son sister he never had a relationship with musician bongo yakimapenzi fleva Juma Jux, but after he dumped mwanadada garezani for ten years, has decided kunzisha Jux relations and Vanessa Dee as they crushed the rest of the dead man. .
Initially jux quoted by the radio station that he would not like his partner Jack is in jail but he still kept their love until he decided kumtungia songs 'I will wait'
Do Jux has decided to betray Jack I find I am soo Vanessa or they found to be the case kapatwa and skendo Jack that ??? Jack coming out of jail will inherit what he has to jux or Vanessa will be beaten down ???
Jack awalii served marry mwanume Fundikila afahamikaye to name but their marriage broke from the sister's son to betray her husband Jux to lead everyone to keep his time.
Do normal conditions Jux has shown no commitment or absent nakuvunja patient and Vanessa for short time ???

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