Sunday, July 5, 2015

NCCR- Do not Say Reform Programme stirred Commitment

NCCR-reform party has spoken not kitajitoa in the Constitution of the Citizens Union (Kawa) and the existence of barriers to the distribution of power within the coalition.
Speaking at a session of the Central Committee of the party in the last kilichoketi Travertine Hotel in Dar es Salaam, the party's chairman, James J. Mbatia, said the goal of the coalition was to join forces in order to have a sound cooperation.
"There are many words issued by writers, agitators say the NCCR wants to break persisted, since when mother and cut the hand of his son?
"If there are men devoted to the idea of ​​this unity we are well aware that we have a deal, and this is a declaration made by the members of the Executive Committee. Also recognize that this party is stirred crop, so it's not an easy thing commitment, "said J. Mbatia.
He stirred not part of the power-sharing coalition demanding that you look over the interests of the citizens.
Stressed in his provocation with existing distribution challenges states, they believe they will go over to that goal is to help people and not parties concerned.
He said the coalition has organized properly, so citizens should not have to worry Because they are able to provide the president and other leaders who comprise the Government.
Ajitosa saga of ZanzibarMoreover J. Mbatia he shagazwa and action of the President of Zanzibar, Dr. Ali Mohamed Shein break House of Representatives on Wednesday without incident attended by First Vice President Seif Sharif Hamad after legislators and representatives deny attend.
"Very Nimeshangaa president of Zanzibar Parliament is own breaks without Maalim Seif. What is meant by the Government of the Union you do? "He questioned J. Mbatia.
He said members of CCM and CUF parties should recognize that the Government of National Unity is an agreement with the properties of all Zanzibaris and not only politicians.
Speaking about the conduct of the admission of voters register administered by the National Electoral Commission (NEC) using an electronic system (BVR), said there are no signs of this notebook completed on time due to the slow pace of admission.
He said due to the situation, there are indications elections will be held in October will not be free and fair.
"The elections will not be free and fair because it failed admission, as today they say there are more than 5,000 people have registered double what they mean for citizens?
"Tulishauri since last year about the procedure of admission and time to start, but they knocked each other. For here we reach whatever happened to blame the Government of the CCM, "said J. Mbatia.
He said so far there are some regions, including Dar es Salaam and Coast have not yet registered. NEC also should have time to review the names which will be prepared by the people.
He added that the fourth phase government since it assumed power in 2005 has been losing attractiveness day by day due to the irresponsible for clarity.
He said so far there are circumstances in which anybody listening is easy to see how the government will ilivyopoteza CCM, gravity and direction of leading the people.

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